Alexandra Feusi

Alexandra Feusi is a Swiss-Polish artist from Zurich, Switzerland. She studies abstract painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria. Musically, she moves somewhere between techno, disco, electronica and indie dance with a pronounced penchant for electronic psychedelic sound and French electronic music as well as a penchant for the weird.

For her, making music is a perfect balance to the rather introverted work in the studio, where no social interaction takes place. Her role as DJ forms a counterpoint, it is an extroverted game between her and the dancers. In the middle of the action and yet in a safe space, loud, wild, and palpable as part of life and a community.

Detached from the two-dimensionality of painting, it is musically possible to create an abstract space, to play and experiment in it, as she points out.
Music and her studio work inspire each other and unfold a new energy and source of inspiration. Both are equally important to her and can also no longer be separated from each other, both have the same origin, both are art.

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